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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Metal Music Influence Mental

As we know that Heavy metal music is the kind of music that teenagersloved. but metal also can make in
influence mental fo teen. so we can like metal, but we must prevent bad thing that have from metal music.
Yesterday i watch on tv that Katrina McFerran, from Melbourne University, Australia, who conducted the study for 5 years of musical influences onadolescent mental conditions, found that heavy metal musiccauses of mental disorders in adolescents aged 13-18 years.
"Most teens listen to music for positive purposes, such asimproving mood or adding energy when exercising. However,adolescents who are at risk of depression tend to listen to music,especially heavy metal music, for negative purposes," saysMcFerran.
He added that the influence of the music genre of rap, rock, orpop on adolescent mental condition was different from the heavy metal music.
"Teens listen to heavy metal music because it becomes an escape from reality. They also found the music that reflects their suffering so that they do not feel lonely anymore," he said.
Even so, there are also teens who say they actually improvedmood after listening to metal music. "Parents and schools can intervene to prevent mental disorders that may be experienced by adolescents," he said.
In addition, he also suggested that parents open communication with their children. "Ask how they feel after listening to heavy metal music. If a child says they grow down, should forbid childrento listen to this music," he said.