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Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Eliminates spots on the face

Eliminates spots on the face is not an easy task, as it requiresregular maintenance in order to stain on the face can be lost and never come back.

Various drugs a lot of black stain remover on the market, but youmust be smart and careful in choosing a drug / cream that fits inyour skin.

One of the most powerful way to address black spots is to maskthe egg. Beauty Tips Blog show the following ingredients andhow to make a potion.

Egg white (to taste)
Honey (to taste)
warm water
Take the White Egg and honey. Combine both ingredients and stir until blended. To use, brush the egg white mask on the face ofit flat and let stand for 10 minutes. Once dry, wash your face withwarm water and towel dry dmenggunakan.

Do this treatment every 2 to 3 times a week, until the black stainsyou diwajah fade.

In addition to the tips above, to prevent the occurrence of black spots on the face, use a sunblock of at least spf 15 every time you go out and exposed to sunlight.

Hopefully useful! Do not forget to read also the previous article on how to cope with eye bags.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tips Reducing the Impact of Smoking

Tips Reducing the Impact of Smoking - smoking is have very much bad effect for our body. so smoking is
 bad, but to avoid bad effect this is some of tips to reduce the impact of smoking.
an herbal therapy that can reduce the negative effects of nicotine, which is a banana. In this yellow-skinned fruits contained substances that are useful to the body, including potassium, potassium, vitamin B6 and B12.

Potassium is utilized by the autonomic nerves control heart rate, brain function, and other important physiological processes. Potassium is also shown to help lower blood pressure. In addition, these substances also play a major role in nerve function and muscle contraction deyut. In addition to the benefits of potassium, vitamin B6 and B12 in bananas also have a very large role because it can neutralize the negative effects of nicotine in the body.

To benefit from the bananas, we should not consume origin. Choose ripe bananas, because younger digested, so the sugar in the banana fruit is converted into glucose quickly diabsorsi naturally into the blood circulation.

Eat some bananas on a regular basis to reduce the negative effects of nicotine in cigarettes. May be useful.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tips to avoid the flu

Tips to avoid the flu - do you ever get the flu? I often get the flu. flu (influenza virus) can affect anyone. therefore flu disease that easily infect humans. below are some tips to avoid the flu.
1) Must be the green tea, although other types of tea had higher levels of theanine is not much different, Dr. Yamada confirmed that green tea is the most widely-containing catechins so it would be optimal in preventing the flu. If you do not like green tea, white tea or oolong tea is a pretty good choice for an alternative.
2) Buy in bulk form. Experts say, general tea in bulk form has a concentration of antiflu than tea in a bag / bags.
3) Pour boiling and serve them hot. Brew tea in a longer time and in high temperatures will increase the concentration of catechin, although the original levels are difficult to measure. Be sure to brew at least within 1 to 2 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius or 3 to 5 minutes with a temperature of 140 degrees (hot but drinkable).
If you really do not like tea, consider green tea supplements mengomsumsi complex that abortion is almost the same as in a glass of tea catechins. Research experts from the University of California found that green tea supplements can maintain the positive effects of drinking green tea.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Steps to Healthy Sleep

Hello? this day i want to give tips about Healthy Sleep. What is Healthy Sleep? healthy sleep in my opinion is the position of sleep that make our body health. so health y sleep can we call as quality good sleep. so whats you want too? ok lets we study about healthy sleep and step to make it.

In order to obtain these benefits then someone should get a sound sleep, the following things can be doso wne to get a healthy sleep, as quoted from Livestrong, Thursday (10/11/2011), namely:
1. Adjust the sleep time with recommended guidelines for the age groupGenerally adults are encouraged to sleep 7-9 hours per night, school-age children get 10-11 hours per night, while pregnant women and older people need more time to sleep.
However, this condition can vary depending on the status of his health, as too much sleep is associated with medical and mental problems, but if too little inhibiting memory timing, performance and reactions.
2. Set the environment to support a soothing sleepThe atmosphere is important to encourage a deep sleep. We recommend using a mattress, sheets and pillows are comfortable, the room is not bright, calm and temperatures are moderate.
3. Eat 2-3 hours before bedtimeAvoid heavy meals close to bedtime because it can make no sleep. If you are vulnerable people hungry in the middle of the night or before bed, then give the low-sugar snacks and avoid spicy foods that can interfere with digestion. Snacks can be consumed a cup of oatmeal with no added sugar or low-fat yogurt.
4. Stop caffeine consumption and smoking at least 8 hours before bedtimeSubstances such as caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that interfere with and can make people nervous. Restless sleep will not rejuvenate the body in the next day but cause irregularities in the memory and decision making.
5. Plan your sleep schedule in daily activitiesHave the same sleep schedule every night helps the body to be ready for relaxation if it is close to bedtime. If you can not sleep try to do relaxing activities like reading books or listening to soft music.
6. Doing a short nap to rejuvenate the mindNapping helps recharge body and mind, but limit the time that is less than 30 minutes to avoid disruption of nighttime sleep schedule. And avoid passing hour nap 3 so

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tips Health Fitness

Wellcome again to Health News Lifestyle, i am as admin on this blogm to day want to giving tips health fitness. as we know that fitness is one of sport that make our body health.
Aѕ I ѕаіd before, I read a lot οf health fitness tips, bυt nοt аll οf thеm stuck. I wаѕ surprised bесаυѕе thе ones thаt mаdе thе mοѕt impact wеrе thе ones wіth thе mοѕt general аnd common significance rules. Fοr example, mу favorite health fitness article wаѕ аbουt exercising. It ѕаіd thаt thе lаrgеѕt mistake thаt people mаkе іѕ tο find overambitious exercise routines based οn someone еlѕе′s thουght οf thе perfect exercises. It advised mе tο come up wіth a routine thаt involve activities thаt I really lονеd instead οf activities thаt I thουght wουld develop thе mοѕt muscle mass οr cardiovascular strength. Knowing thіѕ, I wаѕ аblе tο incorporate bicycle riding аnd swimming – two activities thаt I unquestionably lіkе – іntο a ехсеllеnt workout.
Thіѕ іѕ really vital fοr mе bесаυѕе I аlѕο hаd tеrrіblе eating habits іn addition tο being tοο sedentary. Thеу tеll mе thаt eating thе rіght foods wουld give mе thе energy thаt I wουld need tο work out аnd stay active. Wouldn’t уου know іt – once I ongoing changing mу diet, I dіd hаνе more impetus tο gеt out аnd ѕtаrt running around.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Hurry To be Hair Loss

No Hurry To be Hair Loss, i want give tips about No Hurry To be Hair Loss. At the age of 35 years, about two-thirds of men will experience some hair loss is quite a lot. While nearly 85 percent of men will have significantly thinning hair at the age of 50 years.
Although baldness can be caused by genetics, but there are several causes of baldness can be prevented, such as malnutrition, infections, prescription drugs, chemical products hair, and even emotional stress. By minimizing it, while focusing on ways to stimulate growth, it can be done to prevent baldness.
Some ways you can do to prevent baldness like-quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Thursday (12/22/2011), among others:
1. Eat more fish
Fish is not only rich in protein and minerals, but also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Both of these nutrients have been linked to preventing hair loss in chemotherapy patients.
2. Maintaining levels of iron
Iron deficiency anemia is more common in women. Iron deficiency anemia is a known cause of hair loss. But perhaps many people do not realize that iron deficiency often causes hair loss. By adding some iron-rich foods into the daily diet can prevent hair loss.
Iron-rich foods, like spinach, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, or tofu.These foods are especially important for vegetarians if you're doing the prevention of hair loss. Because it can be more difficult to get enough iron when it should avoid red meat or eggs.
3. Sufficient for vitamin B
Vitamin B, such as biotin, folate, B2, and B12 are also important for hair growth. Some types of vitamin B, such as biotin, essential medical care prescribed together to treat hair loss. If a nutritional deficiency of vitamin B or whatever, then consult your doctor.
4. Managing stress
At one time, about 85 percent of hair on the head in a phase of development, while 15 percent are in the final stages of death.Certain stressful events may actually result in changes in natural cycles, which cause as many as 30-40 percent of the hair to start to die. The results at 3 months later, saw an increase in hair loss.Prolonged stress or chronic stress can cause hair loss.
5. Read the labels of prescription drugs consumed
Most men know that chemotherapy can cause hair loss. But most do not realize that there are many prescription drugs can also cause hair loss. Blood thinners such as warfarin, rheumatic drugs, and psychiatric drugs such as lithium are just some examples of prescription drugs that can cause hair loss. Be sure to read the labels of all prescription drugs before taking the drug.
6. Take care of personal hygiene
Although not a direct cause of hair loss, but the lack of personal hygiene can cause fungal infections of the scalp, such as tinea capitis causes hair loss. By keeping the scalp and hair is always clean through regular shampooing, it will prevent yeast infections and help prevent baldness. However, shampooing too often can also damage the sebaceous glands of the scalp that make sebum, which naturally moisturizes the hair and skin.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good Sleeping Position for Digestion

Good Sleeping Position for Digestion - eat before bedtime can cause problems during sleep and make the people do not rest comfortably. Food consumed before bedtime should not eat heavy, but enough snacks or light meals only.

Even so some specific sleeping position can help prevent heartburn and other sleep disorders in people who are forced toeat close to bedtime, as quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Thursday(22/12/2011), namely:
1. Elevate the head position
Mayo Clinic recommends lifting your head slightly elevated about6-9 inches (15-22 cm). This condition can be done by insertingan additional cushion to help support the head.
This position uses gravity to reduce pain and discomfort associated with heartburn (discomfort in the abdomen), and to prevent back flow of stomach acid into the esophagus.
2. Leaning left facing
Studies conducted by the Graduate Hospital in Philadelphiafound sleeping on your side can prevent discomfort in the stomach at night. If you can not maintain the side sleeping position to the left all night, then try putting extra pillows in theback of the body to prevent the body back and forth.
Also for people with stomach disorders, sleep with the left facingposition will make the connection between the stomach and esophagus does not open even though high levels of stomach acid. The results of this study was reported in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 Way to Make Man Always Young

10 Way to Make Man Always Young - Here are 10 ways he could do to stay young as long as quoted from AskMen, Friday (12/23/2011):

1. Have a weight-bearing exercise equipmentWhen doing weight training, avoid doing it every day in a row. It aims to give time to improve and shape the muscles on the sidelines of weight training.
Regular exercise can improve the body's antioxidant defense system to fight free radicals due to aging.
2. Sunscreen and sunglassesOne way to slow the aging process or reducing the impact is to use sunscreen and sunglasses every time you leave the house.Combination sunscreen and sunglasses will not magically get rid of all the wrinkles that have been owned. However, sunscreen and sunglasses can prevent skin damage that can occur due to sun exposure.
Use a sunscreen back periodically throughout the day if you're spending a lot of time outdoors. People who have a pale skin color will require a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.Meanwhile, people who have very dark skin can use a product with SPF 15 or SPF 20.
3. Adequate bedSleep is when your body repairs, which means that it only takes a few nights of poor sleep to get dark circles, red eyes, and a shabby appearance. To get quality sleep, it is necessary that adequate bed. Most people need between 7-9 hours of sleep.
4. Provide a water bottle that can be reusedDehydration can cause dry skin and wrinkles. In fact, if you ever see the fine lines around the eyes that can appear and disappear. This is a sign that not getting enough H2O. Intake of drinking enough to keep the skin cells stay young.
Putuh consume as much as 8 glasses of water a day is required for optimal cell function. Active men should drink more than that amount. To ensure getting your body needs to drink intake, then it can be to buy a bottle of water that can be reused.
5. Antioxidant moisturizerThe more we age, the skin will get dry. Antioxidant-rich moisturizer that not only moisturize the upper layers of the epidermis with a hydrating tonic but also will pump nutritious ingredients into the skin cells. So that antioxidants can help skin retain its elasticity.
Look for moisturizers with high doses, such as resveratrol, vitamin A, C, and E. Using an antioxidant moisturizer twice a day, once in the morning and again before bedtime can help the skin retain its elasticity.
6. Eye creamEye cream designed to moisturize and provide nutrients to the sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. Wrinkles first appear, often on the skin around the eyes.
Product eye creams can to minimize the appearance of fine lines or cell turnover to slow the formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes. Use an eye cream twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed.
7. Razors and shaving cream high qualityBeard or mustache that has been colored white or gray, can make a person look older. By shaving his beard and mustache are white and gray, can make a person look younger.
8. Scrub faceA facial scrub products can be to remove dead skin cells and helps clean the pores. Eliminates dead skin cells and cleanse pores, can help the growth of new cell layers. This allows a layer of the epidermis will look brighter and younger.
Skin cell turnover cycle takes about 28 days. So do not do scrubing more than about twice a month. When choosing a facial scrub product, look for products with fine grains because it will be too soft and will not scratch the skin.
9. MultivitaminsVitamins are micronutrients that your body can not produce itself.So must be obtained from outside sources. Micronutrients work from the inside out by feeding the cells, so the skin can be healthy if consumed in adequate amounts.
In addition, some vitamins can prevent and repair cell damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals, thereby slowing aging. The best way to get vitamins, of course, is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables fresh.
10. Revitalizer hair or prevent hair loss productsThe hair is black, thick, and shiny can signify vitality. Products designed to combat thinning hair can stimulate the scalp to promote hair growth or to improve the quality of the hair, so hair can appear a lot more.
The frequency of baldness treatments will vary from product to product. Almost certainly will require more than one use. Use of products to prevent and treat baldness must regularly to maintain the results.